A-share Mkt Vol.; Yellen's Rate Cut Impact.

Financial expert article /cates/2/ 2024-04-22

A-share market has once again embarked on a new round of "roller coaster" mode, with dramatic ups and downs becoming a common occurrence for investors. Just last week, the Shanghai Composite Index (SSE) approached the 3,300-point mark, exciting many investors who were looking forward to the arrival of a bull market. However, in the blink of an eye, it turned around and plummeted nearly 200 points, causing mixed feelings of joy and concern.

This situation inevitably leads to the lament that the A-share market is like an "emotional" young girl, who loves to laugh, make a fuss, and throw tantrums, always elusive and unpredictable. However, last Friday, Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen dropped a "bombshell," causing the A-share "young girl" to start a new round of "emotional outbursts."


In her speech, Yellen hinted that the Federal Reserve would "moderately" adjust interest rates in September, which the market generally interpreted as a 25 basis point rate cut. This is undoubtedly a "powerful stimulant," injecting new vitality into the oscillating A-share market.

As soon as the news broke, the A-share market responded with a rise, with the SSE once attacking the 3,100-point level. Many investors were thrilled, believing that with the Federal Reserve's "loosening of the monetary policy," the A-share market is bound to regain its upward momentum. However, amidst the general jubilation, there were also seasoned investors who voiced "distinct" opinions.

"This rate cut feels different; I have an indescribable feeling," said a senior investor, who does not believe that this rate cut means the A-share market will regain its upward momentum. Instead, he is worried that it might trigger a new round of turmoil.

Another veteran investor stated, "The impact of the Federal Reserve's rate cut on the A-share market is limited; the key is still domestic. The biggest issue now is the flow of funds and investor confidence. If these two factors do not improve, it will not be easy for the A-share market to regain its upward momentum."

The remarks of the two veteran investors have sparked a lot of thought among investors. Indeed, while the Federal Reserve's rate cut is beneficial to the A-share market, whether this "powerful stimulant" alone can make the A-share market regain its upward momentum requires further observation.

After all, the recent troubles faced by the A-share market are not just external factors; more are issues within the domestic market itself, such as the wave of share unlocking, the flow of funds, and investor confidence, all of which are "stumbling blocks" to the A-share market's rise.

Take the wave of share unlocking, for example. In September, there will be more than 55 billion yuan worth of shares unlocking, with CITIC Securities alone accounting for 17.3 billion yuan. Such a massive scale of unlocking will undoubtedly put pressure on the A-share market. Many investors worry that major shareholders will take the opportunity to massively reduce their holdings, leading to a decline in stock prices.

The flow of funds is also a significant challenge. Recently, a lot of funds have been flowing into popular varieties such as convertible bonds and futures, tightening the liquidity of the A-share market. If this situation continues, it will undoubtedly be more difficult for the A-share market to regain its upward momentum.More challenging is the current issue of investor confidence. Under the continuous market fluctuations, the confidence of many investors has been greatly impacted, and they are adopting a wait-and-see attitude towards the future market. If investor confidence cannot be restored, it will undoubtedly be more difficult for the A-shares to regain their upward momentum.

Facing so many troubles, whether a single interest rate cut by the Federal Reserve can bring new opportunities to A-shares is indeed questionable. However, it is also not possible to completely deny the positive impact of the rate cut. After all, a rate cut means a relaxation of the money supply, which is undoubtedly a "stimulant" for A-shares.

So, against the backdrop of the Federal Reserve's interest rate cut, where will A-shares go? Will they continue to fluctuate or will they regain their upward momentum? Opinions among industry insiders are divided.

Some analysts believe that the Federal Reserve's interest rate cut is merely a "symptomatic treatment" for A-shares...

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Another group of people hold the opposite view; they believe that although the Federal Reserve's interest rate cut is difficult to reverse the downward trend of A-shares in the short term, it does bring positive effects in the long run.

An industry insider stated that the Federal Reserve's interest rate cut signifies a global liquidity easing, which is a "stimulant" for A-shares. Although it is difficult to completely reverse the downward trend in the short term, with the continuous improvement of the money supply, A-shares will surely regain their upward momentum.

It can be said that the Federal Reserve's interest rate cut has brought a glimmer of hope for A-shares, but to completely emerge from the doldrums, domestic market reforms and adjustments are needed. Only by solving the many troubles faced by the domestic market can A-shares truly regain their upward momentum.

To address the troubles faced by the domestic market, the money supply and investor confidence are key. An analyst bluntly stated that the biggest trouble for A-shares at present is the shortage of funds and lack of investor confidence.

A shortage of funds leads to insufficient liquidity in A-shares, making it difficult for stock prices to effectively reflect the intrinsic value of companies. Insufficient investor confidence, on the other hand, will exacerbate capital outflows, further deteriorating the liquidity of A-shares.

In this context, it is crucial for the domestic market to take measures to boost investor confidence and improve the money supply. This can be achieved through various means, such as regulatory reforms, corporate governance improvements, and enhancing market transparency. By doing so, the market can attract more capital and restore investor confidence, which in turn can lead to a healthier and more stable A-share market.

Moreover, the government and regulatory bodies should also consider implementing policies that encourage long-term investment and discourage speculative trading. This can help to stabilize the market and reduce the impact of short-term fluctuations on investor sentiment.

In addition to these internal factors, external factors such as global economic conditions and geopolitical events can also influence the performance of A-shares. Therefore, it is important for investors to keep a close eye on these factors and make informed decisions based on a comprehensive analysis.

The role of market analysts and financial media is also significant in shaping investor sentiment. They should provide accurate and unbiased information to help investors make better decisions. At the same time, they should avoid creating panic or excessive optimism, which can lead to irrational market behavior.

In conclusion, the Federal Reserve's interest rate cut has indeed brought some positive signals for A-shares, but the road to recovery is not straightforward. It requires a combination of internal market reforms, investor confidence building, and a favorable external environment. Only through a holistic approach can A-shares hope to regain their upward momentum and achieve long-term stability and growth.

As the market continues to evolve, it is essential for all stakeholders, including investors, companies, regulators, and analysts, to work together to create a healthy and sustainable investment ecosystem. This will not only benefit individual investors but also contribute to the overall economic development and prosperity of the country.Therefore, only by allowing more funds to flow back into the A-share market and reshaping investor confidence can the A-shares truly emerge from their doldrums and regain an upward trend.

So, how can we attract funds to flow back and reshape investor confidence? Industry insiders have diverse suggestions on this matter.

Some believe that further relaxing restrictions on foreign investment in the market would attract more international capital to flow into the A-share market. At the same time, it is essential to increase the punishment for illegal and non-compliant activities to regulate market order and restore investor confidence.

Others propose that the market system should be further improved to enhance the quality of listed companies, thereby attracting more funds to stay in the A-share market. For example, further improving the equity incentive system to increase the profitability of companies.

Of course, the most fundamental aspect is to improve the governance level of listed companies, to eliminate illegal and non-compliant activities such as insider trading and financial fraud, allowing investors to truly enjoy their rights and thus regain confidence.

Coincidentally, in last Friday's A-share market, we also saw some positive signs.

Despite being affected by the wave of share unlocking, the A-shares experienced a fluctuating decline on that day, but the decline was relatively mild. What is even more pleasing is that a rebound occurred at the end of the market, allowing the Shanghai Composite Index to barely reclaim the 3,000-point threshold.

Analysts believe that this may indicate that A-shares are gradually emerging from their doldrums. After all, under such a large-scale wave of share unlocking, A-shares can still hold the 3,000-point threshold, showing a certain resilience.

Moreover, from the market situation, the main funds did not sell off in large quantities; instead, they were building positions at lower levels, showing an optimistic expectation for the future market. This will undoubtedly provide some support for the A-shares.

Of course, whether A-shares can truly regain an upward trend requires further observation. After all, it is difficult to judge the future trend based on the performance of just one or two trading days. However, at least we can see that A-shares are gradually emerging from their doldrums and beginning to regain the hope of an upward trend.For the average investor, facing such a complex situation, how should we seize investment opportunities and avoid being controlled by market trends?

A seasoned investor has offered his own advice, suggesting that the most important thing in investing in A-shares is to maintain patience and composure, and to avoid blindly following the crowd. Currently, A-shares are indeed at a turning point with many uncertainties. However, as long as we remain patient and wait for the right investment opportunities to arise, we will surely reap substantial rewards.

He further explained that the significant fluctuations in A-shares are largely due to investors' panic emotions. Once there is negative news, it can trigger panic among investors, thereby exacerbating the decline in stock prices. Therefore, investors need to learn to control their emotions, maintain rational judgment, and not be confused by short-term gains and losses. Instead, they should focus tightly on the fundamentals of the company, which is the key to investment.

Another experienced stock market veteran shared his investment experience, stating that investing in A-shares is like playing a big game of chess, requiring a high degree of patience and perseverance. During the volatile A-share market, many investors are often tempted by short-term profits and lose their rationality, leading to blind operations, which will eventually come at a cost.

He emphasized that investing in A-shares requires a long-term perspective and determination, and one should avoid being confused by short-term fluctuations. Only by remaining patient and waiting for the real good opportunities to emerge can one achieve substantial returns.

It can be said that patience and composure are the keys to investing in A-shares. Only with these two qualities can we stand invincible amidst the turbulent waves of the A-share market and ultimately reap substantial rewards.

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